IASTM Certification Course 2019 -20% OFF
IASTM Certification Online
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It’s a home study online course which is systematic and evidenced-based. It has direct application that can be used immediately with your patients. Besides, IASTM practitioner is going to get CEUs upon its completion - continuing education units (more on that below).
Who is it for?
Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapist assistants, chiropractors, massage therapists, and other health professionals.The course is packed with teaching materials and consists of 12 chapters:
- Foundation and rationale behind of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation
- Research on effectiveness of IASTM
- Principles of IASTM and its benefits
- Physiologic and neurophysiologic responses of IASTM
- Type of available IASTM instruments and tools
- Types of strokes and its application
- IASTM indications, contraindications, and precautions
- Fascia, fascial chains and slings
- Trigger points (TrPs) and muscles’ adaptive shortening
- Movement Dysfunctions’ Clinical Patterns and use of IASTM
- IASTM techniques for upper body: cervical, thoracic, shoulder, elbow areas, etc.
- IASTM techniques for lower body: lumbar, hip, knee, and ankle regions
What you, as an IASTM practitioner, are going to learn and be able to utilize:
- Two sources on the foundation and origin of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) and the latest research as it applies clinically.
- Applying the fanning stroke to a patient who has trigger points (TrPs), either active or latent, in the upper trapezius muscle.
- Provide arguments for the selection of one IASTM instrument and treatment plan for a certain clinical condition.
- Compare physiologic and mechanical responses to IASTM when provided with a case study.
- Differentiate between a muscle tightness and fascial restriction based on three key characteristics.
- Identify two indications and two contraindications for IASTM application for an instructor specified clinical condition.
- Explain the rationale behind IASTM by comparing neurological vs. mechanical responses using the latest research.
- Identify common fascial restrictions using the IASTM and the most current research.
- Based on instructor specified example indicating evaluation findings, you will accurately choose the IASTM technique to manage the condition.
- Differentiate between the clinical patterns of spondylosis, spinal stenosis, and lumbar radiculopathy in terms of each diagnosis’s behavior of symptoms, clinical findings, and common muscle imbalances.
- Differentiate an active and a latent trigger point (TrP) for patients with fibromyalgia.
- Defend the selection of IASTM tool based on the presence of trigger points during a clinical evaluation.
- Design a treatment plan, and a plan of care, including the IASTM, for a patient with rotator cuff repair, subacromial decompression, shoulder impingement or similar diagnoses.
IASTM Technique PDF & Video
The online course includes 150 page pdf document, and access to over 70 videos as well as online examination. This CEU approved course is packed with over 100 illustrations to enhance the learning process.
The course shows application of IASTM technique either prior to attending a live IASTM seminar, or to be used with patients the next day.
IASTM Certification - CEUs
FSBPT Pro Certification approved the course for 12 CEUs (continuing education units) and the NCBTMB -- for 4 CEUs.
The course is created by Chris Gellert, PT, MMusc & Sportsphysio, CSCS, MPT, C-IASTM.He is a Founder and CEO of Pinnacle Training and Consulting Systems (PTCS).
Chris has been a practicing physical therapist since 1999. He is also a personal trainer with over 20 years experience and has taught seminars, courses at conferences to personal trainers, physical therapists, and massage therapists for the past 15 years.
He has developed over fifteen online courses, five live seminars and several webinars teaching the different aspects of applied science on human movement.
His expertise is in orthopedics, but has an insatiable desire teaching allied health and fitness professionals on human movement, rehabilitation training and related topics.
Chris will be pursuing a Fellowship in Orthopedics and Manual Therapy as well as an advanced Doctorate of Science (DSc) in the near future.
How much does it cost?
The price tag of $75 for the course is more than reasonable but using the coupon code “PTCS” without quotes you’ll get a 20% off. Why pay more?
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